You will need to know these characters. There are 4 spaces, 4 left edges and 4 right edges as well as a complete blank like a real space.
space bar river
_ (underscore) wide space, ants & butterfly
- (minus) ladybird & vine
= (equals) monkey
( ) round brackets leafy edge
[ ] square brackets thin leafy edge
{ } curly brackets flower edge
< > less/ greater than vine edge
Leave a gap
+ (plus sign) complete blank

Jungle Rock font contains 88 defined characters and 57 unique glyphs.
The font contains characters from the following unicode character ranges: Basic Latin (86), Latin-1 Supplement (1), Letterlike Symbols (1).
- Font Name:JFJungleRock
- Subfamily:Regular
- Version:August 2000; dedicated to Philip
- Trademark:JFJungleRock is a trademark of the Jester Font Studio.
- Designer:J F Slater
- Description:Dedicated to Philip
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